Hello? Hello?? Is This Thing On?!

Long time no talk, friends. Yes, I did something that for a long time I never thought I’d do – I broke my blogging streak. For 1,255 days straight, I was here posting at least a blog a day but last month, I decided it was time for the streak to die. I started Ham Sports because I had no friends that liked sports but all I wanted to do was talk about them, and for a long time I channeled all of my energy into Ham Sports and every single blog I wrote. But as time went on, I really lost my way. I was so focused on keeping that damn streak going that I didn’t care about the quality of the blog as much. The blogs became dry and repetitive, sometimes they were just outright bad. I let Ham Sports down.

So when I finally woke up to how bad it got, I decided it was time to let the streak die. Quality over quantity. I want this blog to be a place people can come and have a laugh; no one’s laughing when the blogs are short as hell and written 5 minutes before midnight. So here we are. A new logo to match this fresh start. I won’t jump off the deep end to start and be blogging once a day like I used to. I’ve missed writing blogs so much but I needed that time to remember why I do it. I’m lucky to have this little blog, and I love it so much, but I took it for granted and the site suffered for it. But, to quote the Raven, Nevermore. New logo, same site, fresh Shortman Hams (who is currently sitting on a train in the middle of Pennsylvania).

Welcome back to Ham Sports. We’ve missed you.

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Featured Image:  Shortman Hams

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