JG Quintel’s Early Work Is My New Favorite Thing To Watch

Over the past year I have fallen in love with animation. If you follow me on Twitter (@shortman_hams, drop a follow) then you already know that. So as I’ve been trying to make more and learn more, I’ve started watching more animated shows. I try and see how they do specific things like movement or conveying certain emotions. One show that I have fallen head over heels in love with is “Regular Show”. Yes, it was on Cartoon Network. Yes I have watched almost every episode. But hear me out, it’s fucking fantastic. It’s one of those shows that gets even better as you get older.

The creator, J.G. Quintel had done a fantastic job writing plot lines that toes juuuuust at the edge of what Cartoon Network would allow. Like sure, it’s a kid’s network and some plots are childish but they talk about making out quite often to have a target audience of like 10-year-olds. Anywho, because I am enamored with this show and making my own animations, I started looking deeper into how the show was made and J.G. Quintel in general.

That is where I found these gems!

So first up, this is a read-thru of the first episode of “Regular Show” that JG did a story board for when he was trying to get somewhere to pick up the show. I love all the original jokes and drawings. I also love how there was swearing the the original scripture for the show. I mean the show is structured around two 23-year-old guys that work in a park, they’re bound to swear IRL so I would have eaten that shit up with a spoon. If they every remix some episodes with swearing, I will be first in line to watch. Also love how JG’s “Mordecai” voice is literally just how he talks.

Now for these bad boys. Two original animations by JG that have some familiar characters. The first is like the original storyline for Pops. It’s Pop’s face and voice and the story would add up perfectly to his character in “Regular Show”. Then the second half is something special. 2 In The AM PM is about two guys who work at a gas station. It’s 2AM and they end up accidentally doing acid. The voices are JG doing his Mordecai and Sam Marin doing what would become his Benson voice. Not only that, but they turn into what would later become their “Regular Show” characters. It’s hilarious and now I feel like my adulthood is complete by hearing Benson tell Mordecai to fuck off. Plus, I laughed my ass off at this one.

JG is such a creative guy. “Regular Show” was perfect, I haven’t seen his new show but I bet it kicks ass anyway. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll make a real show cartoon of my own. Not as serious as “BoJack Horseman” but a level above “Regular Show” or “Adventure Time”. Maybe one day but for now I’m going to get sucked into a universe with talking raccoons and sentient gumball machines.

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Featured Image:  Screenshot from this video

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